Potty Training

Your child will let you know when they’re ready to potty train.

Look for these signs, typically between 18-24 months.
  1. Interest: Your child shows curiosity about the toilet or wants to imitate you using it.
  2. Communication: Your child expresses the need to go or starts using words related to potty training, it’s a good sign.
  3. Independence: Your child may want to do things themselves, like pull down their own pants or use the potty without assistance.
  4. Awareness: Your child seems uncomfortable with dirty diapers and shows a desire to be clean, this is a positive sign.
  5. Stays Dry: Your child has longer periods of staying dry during the day or during naps which can indicate bladder control.
  6. Regular Bowel Movements: Consistent bowel movements at predictable times may suggest readiness.
When you see several of these signs, you’re ready to start potty training.
  1. Introduce your child to the potty and let them get comfortable with it. A child-sized potty chair or a potty seat that fits on the regular toilet are both useful.
  2. Let your child explore the potty/toilet without any pressure. Show your child how it works and explain its purpose in simple terms.
  3. If you are comfortable, let your child see how you use the toilet, as this can be educational.
  4. Make it Fun: use books, toys, or videos to make potty bathroom time enjoyable and less intimidating.
  5. Be Consistent: support your child to sit on the potty at regular times, like after meals or before bedtime, even if they don’t need to go.
  6. Positive Reinforcement: offer authentic praise when your child uses the potty successfully. Yay you went potty! You did it! What a great smile on your face! Celebrate each successful trip to the potty to build confidence.
  7. Be Patient: understand that accidents will happen. Stay calm and supportive to reduce stress.

Depending on how mess adverse you are, transition into underwear during the day. Treat accidents matter of fact, straightforward and calmly “I see you had an accident let’s clean up and try again.” Over time, your child will become more independent with using the potty. Encourage self-wiping and hand washing. Remember that every child is different, and potty training may take some time. Be flexible and adapt to your child’s pace and needs.

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